To use OpenACC, please load module with command below:
module load container_env pgi
When compiling your code, please prepend "crun.pgi" in front of your command, for example:
crun.pgi make
crun.pgi pgcc
crun.pgi pgc++
crun.pgi pgfortran
crun.pgi mpicc
crun.pgi mpicxx
crun.pgi mpif77
crun.pgi mpif90
crun.pgi mpifort
When running your code, please prepend "crun.pgi" as well, for example:
crun.pgi ./your_binary
If running your code in MPI mode, please use following command:
srun crun.pgi ./your_binary
When using MPI, please use a job script, if you are not familiar with Slurm Scheduler, please read here