General Information
R is a language and environment for statistical computing. It provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques, and is highly flexible. This guide will show you how to run R in both graphical and command line modes.
Rstudio is provided using a web front end called open ondemand. First you should login to the web interface here:
You will login using your Midas account and password.
After logging in you will see this landing page:
In the top menu choose Interactive apps -> RStudio Server
After choosing RStudio Server
you will see the following window:
Please choose the number of cores you need and the duration of your session and click Launch
. Please note the Number of Hours
field as this is the time limit of your session. You can adjust this to a maximum of 24 hours. This will reserve time on one of the compute or GPU nodes in the cluster. When the session is ready for launch you will see this:
Click Connect to RStudio Server
and your session with RStudio will be started. You will be placed into a new window with the RStudio session and you are ready to use the software. Please note that there is a time limit that can be adjusted on the length of your session.
In order to run R from the command line, you use the following commands.
First, you need to allocate a session on a compute node:
You will then use the following commands to load the R module. This loads the container environment and the required R singularity module.
module load container_env R/4.3
You then have two options for running R:
In order to run R interactively you should run:
crun R
This will load the R program and you will have access to the R interface.
You can also run R using a script. You can do this with the following command:
crun Rscript <script-name>
Just running crun Rscript
will print the help information for Rscript.
You can submit an R script to the cluster using the SLURM scheduler.
Here is an example SLURM batch file:
#SBATCH -J R_Job_Name
#SBATCH -c 40 # number of core requested, decrease to maximum of 32 on Turing
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=<email address>
module load container_env R
crun Rscript <R script name>
Save this script to a file (ex.
) and then submit to the scheduler:
You can install R libraries into your home directory for use in R. In order to install libraries you should create a directory to store them in:
mkdir ~/Rpackages/
You can then install the desired package(s) into this directory using this command inside R:
install.packages("<package name>", lib="~/Rpackages/")
Finally you can point to the library location in your home directory to load the new package:
library(<package name>, lib.loc="~/Rpackages/")