Alphafold is only avaiable on Wahab
To use alphafold, please use job script below as a template:
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH --gres gpu:1
module load container_env alphafold
run_alphafold ARGUMENTS
Complete the job script above and submit it with sbatch
command. Click here for more information on Job Submission.
Following arugment should be supply to the run_alphafold
--model_preset="pick one from below"
monomer # monomer model
monomer_casp14 # monomer model with extra ensembling
monomer_ptm # monomer model with pTM head
multimer # multimer model
--fasta_paths="path to the input fasta file"
Path to your input, it should be in .fasta format
--output_dir="path to the output directory"
--max_template_date="a date"
Maximum template release date to consider. Important if folding historical test sets.
When unsure, try "2022-06-01"
module load container_env alphafold
run_alphafold --helpfull
A complete job script should looks like:
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH --gres gpu:1
module load container_env alphafold
run_alphafold \
--model_preset=monomer \
--fasta_paths=/home/john_doe/input.fasta \
--output_dir=/home/john_doe/output \