This is a standard message sent to a HPC user when his/her account was first activated.
Your HPC service has been activated. You can find information on accessing and using the HPC environment here: . Our wiki provides comprehensive documentation on various resources and software available on our cluster.
First-time HPC users: please review our "intro to HPC" training materials located in (including slides and recorded video segments). This orientation is critical to ensure that you are using our HPC resources correctly. We also have a variety of training materials.
Research Computing Forum: please visit the research computing forum for commonly-asked and domain-specific questions: This is a public discussion community for all ODU research computing users.
We have a virtual office hour conducted over Zoom every Tuesday at 12:30pm. All users are welcome to attend to discuss their specific needs and issues related to research computing:
Virtual Office Hours - every Tuesday 12:30pm-1:30pm
(new Zoom link, updated February 2025)
Meeting ID: 917 9884 0811
Passcode: 676099
All new users are encouraged to attend the next office hour to get briefly oriented to our environment and services. If this time does not work, please email us to schedule an appointment.
If you have a technical question regarding our cluster, please use ODU ITS help line ( You can also email us at for questions with complex text formatting.
Thank you, and happy computing!
ITS Research and Cloud Computing Team